Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adm. E.W. Eberle (LOC)

During a variety of assignments, including service in the Spanish American War and the world cruise of the Great White Fleet, he showed an aptitude for naval gunnery, wrote a manual for gun and torpedo drills, helped set up the first wireless telegraphs on naval vessels, developed tactical doctrine for destroyers, and experimented with deploying aircraft to locate submarines. During World War I he was Superintendent of the Naval Academy.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Portrait of a mustachioed man in suit with waistcoat

This portrait is from a glass plate negative from circa 1900.

Gift of the Estate of Raymond W Phillips, 2008

From the Phillips Glass Plate Negative Collection, Powerhouse Museum

Portrait of a man in suit with waistcoat
Originally uploaded by Powerhouse Museum Collection